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Roudhan Beckwith Accident Linked To Death Cause

Roudhan Beckwith

Roudhan Beckwith’s death has piqued the interest of netizens, as he perished after falling from a fifth-floor window. Roudhan Beckwith, a 20-year-old student, died in a tragic accident while on a trip to Belgium with friends.

Beckwith, recognized by his colleagues as a beloved individual,

Died on June 16 after falling from a fifth-floor apartment window.

Roudhan and his group had just arrived at their apartment the day before the incident,

According to the coroner’s officer, Victoria Normington, Roudhan was in bed near the window on the first evening of their visit.

He fell from the window at some point during the night and sadly

died from many injuries, his death being confirmed at 5:40 a.m. the next morning.

Let’s find out more about this case and who Roudhan Beckwith was.

Accident Involving Roudhan Beckwith Leads To Death

Roudhan Beckwith
Place where Roudhan was killed source: People

Roudhan Philip Beckwith, a young man from Huddersfield, unfortunately died while on holiday after falling from a fifth-floor window.

As previously stated, the details of the collision were submitted to Assistant Coroner Ian Pears at Bradford Coroners Court.

Beckwith, 20, who formerly attended Holmfirth High School,

was visiting Brussels with a group of nine friends when the incident occurred last month.

Beckwith died in a horrible accident after falling from a window while on a trip to Belgium with his pals

Victoria Normington, the coroner’s officer, offered a brief outline of the events, indicating that Roudhan died on Friday, June 16, 2023.

Roudhan, a native of Holmfirth, Huddersfield, had left with his companions

for Belgium on June 15 and was due to return on June 19.

The gang stayed in an apartment on the fifth floor of Rue Brogniez in the Anderlecht neighborhood, according to court documents.

During the hearing, it was revealed that,

According to Ms. Normington, Roudhan was in bed near a window on the Friday in issue.

She told the judge, “At some point during the night, Roudhan

fell from one of the apartment windows and unfortunately succumbed to the injuries he sustained.”

The coroner has requested statements from Roudhan’s family and GP, as well as a post-mortem report and more information from Brussels police.

An inquest investigating Roudhan’s death is scheduled for January of next year.

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Injury Update on Roudhan Beckwith

Roudhan Beckwith
Roudhan photo shared in internet by his parents source: CNN

Roudhan Beckwith’s death was announced at 5:40 a.m. on June 16. It was discovered that he had many injuries, which finally led to his death.

However, no information about the injury or autopsy has been made available.

Heartfelt tributes have flooded in for the young man after his death.

One of the first tributes came from the Holmfirth Vineyard restaurant,

where Roudhan worked part-time while attending university.

Roudhan Beckwith died as a result of many injuries; however, the post-mortem report has yet to be completed.
The restaurant’s team was devastated by his death,

remembering him for his brilliant smile, irrepressible laughter, and strong work ethic.

They also stressed how much everyone, including Roudhan’s friends, teammates, and customers, adored him.

Several others, including Holmfirth Vineyard, expressed their

sympathies and thoughts to his parents, relatives, and younger brother.

Assistant Coroner Ian Pears deferred the inquest to await additional information from Belgian authorities, family statements, and a post-mortem report.