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Vanilla Chimpanzee Weight Loss: Is She Sick?

Vanilla Chimpanzee

People are interested in learning more about Vanilla Chimpanzee weight loss. In a tragic video, a chimp who has spent his entire life in a cage finally sees the sky.

Vanilla the chimp arrived at the Fort Pierce Wildlife Refuge in Florida,

Having escaped from a grueling scientific experiment program.

This is the heartwarming moment a monkey who survived a grueling

Vanilla, the monkey, was content when she arrived to the Fort Pierce Wildlife Refuge in Florida.

According to the Mirror, the New York-based Laboratory for Experimental Medicine

and Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP) once experimented on a 29-year-old ape.

Chimps or any other animal must be subjected to numerous mental and physical torments in such tests in order for weight loss to be visible.

In this piece, we discussed Vanilla Chimpanzee’s weight loss and how joyful she was when she saw the sky for the first time.

Is Vanilla Chimpanzee Sick Due to Her Weight Loss?

LEMSIP formerly held roughly 300 chips and another 300 monkeys before closing in 1996.

According to Project R&R animal rights campaigners, chimps like Vanilla were supposedly kept in tiny cages and denied access to the outdoors.

Vanilla lived at the Wildlife Waystation in California until she was two years old, when she was transferred to a much larger habitat.

The precise numerical amount for Vanilla Chimpanzee weight loss has yet to be revealed.

“I spent my early years in a biomedical research laboratory in New York where chimpanzees were frequently housed in 5’x5’x7′ cages suspended from the ground like bird cages,”

the author wrote on her Save the Chimps page.

Vanilla became a member of a small family group at the Wildlife Waystation after being one of

thirty chimps moved there in 1995. She stayed until 2019, when wildfires and the refuge’s closing threatened it.

And while Vanilla Chimpanzee Weight Loss is clear in these cases, the actual amount of her weight loss is not reported online.

For The First Time, Vanilla Chimp Sees the Sky

Vanilla won people over after being photographed for the first time gazing up at the sky.

Vanilla was imprisoned in a New York experimental facility until she was two years old.

She was then moved to a separate habitat at a California wildlife preserve.

The 29-year-old monkey lived his whole life in cage, never seeing the outside world.

Vanilla Chimpanzee
Vanilla seeing sky for first time after being rescued source: Youtube

Vanilla and several other monkeys arrived at the Save the Chimps refuge in Fort Pierce

, Florida, last year, where they were socialized and allowed to go on outdoor adventures.

The Save the Chimps sanctuary presently houses 226 chimps rescued from laboratories, roadside zoos, exotic pet stores, and the entertainment industry.

Some of the chimps placed in the organization’s care have never interacted with other chimps.

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Vanilla’s island is home to 18 other chimps who she “gets along with.”

Vanilla Chimpanzee
Vanilla being rescued with other 18 chimpanzee source: Twitter

Everyone’s heart has been warmed by Vanilla Chimpanzee’s reaction to seeing the sky for the first time.

According to Save the Chimps, the nonprofit organization that manages the sanctuary,

Vanilla spent her early years in a medical research lab before being transported to a California wildlife sanctuary.

She and 41 other chimps, however, had to find new homes when the shelter closed in 2019.

Vanilla and Shake, two more chimps, were released in June on a three-acre (1.2-hectare) island at the Save the Chimps refuge in Florida.

Vanilla, according to the organization, has integrated into the family group

of chimps who live on the island and enjoys exploring, relaxing, and grooming alongside them.