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Eleanor Williams’ Parents: Daughter Arrested in False Rape Case

Eleanor Williams

People are curious about Eleanor Williams’ parents, Allison Johnston and her father. Eleanor Williams was sentenced to 8.5 years in jail after lying about rape and drug trafficking. A 22-year-old woman from Barrow posted images of herself on Facebook and made up stories about the assault.

A woman was sentenced to eight and a half years in jail after being found guilty of faking her account of being raped and trafficked by an Asian grooming ring and falsely accusing many other males of rape.

A woman was sentenced to eight and a half years in prison after it was established that she lied about being trafficked and raped by an Asian grooming gang, as well as falsely accusing many other guys of rape.

Eleanor Williams, 22, was found guilty on nine counts of tampering with evidence after inventing repeated rape complaints and an erroneous claim that she was trafficked by Asian men from Barrow-in-Furness.

Her charges caused a stir in the community, with a sizable segment of the population believing her and destroying neighboring Asian shops.

At the same time, far-right organizations fanned the flames even more.

Without further ado, let us learn about Eleanor Williams’ parents and other information.

Eleanor Williams is the daughter of Allison Johnston and David Williams

Eleanor Williams’ parents are Allison Johnston and her father’s identity is still unknown.

Eleanor Williams’ mother stated unequivocally, “I believe my daughter.”

Eleanor Williams was found guilty on nine counts of tampering with evidence after telling a “pack of lies” about being a victim of rape and human trafficking.

Allison Johnston, her mother, says she agrees with the majority of her daughter’s claims.

Williams, according to the Barrow Island Labour Councilor, was the subject of a National Referral Mechanism (NRM) order that stated she had been trafficked for sex since she was 12 years old.

Eleanor Williams Parents said that they believe their daughter. (Source: )
Eleanor Williams Parents said that they believe their daughter. (Source: CNN)

The NRM was established in 2009 to discover and protect victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Ellie, according to Mrs. Johnston, has been a victim of exploitation and trafficking since she was 12 years old.

I don’t believe that because, if I were her mother, I would have seen anything wrong with her at such an early age.

But it looks to us, her family, that she was telling the truth and that, in the way she claimed to be a victim, she was a victim, and as her mother, I trust her.

She made specific allegations that I believe were untrue, and some of them appeared to be made up.

Mrs. Johnston, on the other hand, believes that, for the most part, she was speaking the truth—that she had been abused and trafficked.

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Girl Imprisoned in False Rape Case

A woman was sentenced to eight and a half years in prison after being found guilty of fabricating her story of being raped and trafficked by an Asian grooming ring and falsely accusing numerous other men of rape.

Eleanor Williams, 22, of Barrow-in-Furness, was found guilty of nine counts of perverting the course of justice in January.

The judge, Mr. Justice Altham, branded her charges as “pure fabrication” and chastised her for displaying “no substantial symptoms of regret” as he jailed her at Preston Crown Court on Tuesday.

Eleanor Williams mother. (Source: Sky News)
Eleanor Williams mother. (Source: Sky News)

Her claims went global during the lockdown in May 2020 after she uploaded images of herself on Facebook covered in beautiful bruises, sporting a black eye, and cradling a finger that had been half severed.

She alleged that “evil yet cunning” Asian men, particularly Pakistani merchants, pushed her to attend “sex parties” and abused her.

The claims quickly spread beyond Cumbria, sparking a global sympathy campaign, Justice for Ellie, with over 100,000 Facebook followers.

It sparked protests across the UK amid suspicions of a police cover-up and has its own merchandise featuring a purple elephant.