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Esther Wang’s Parents: Where Do They Come From?

Esther Wang

Discover more about Esther Wang’s parents after the missing youngster spends 50 hours alone in the Canadian bush. Get updates on the missing hiker’s health as well.

Esther Wang, 16, was on a youth group outing at Golden Ears Park,

One of British Columbia’s largest parks, on Tuesday when she became separated from her group.

Ridge Meadows Search and Rescue and a large number of volunteers combed the 62,000-plus acre rugged area.

Wang spent the night on a log and subsisted on rationed food until finding a way out of the park. On Thursday night, about 9 p.m., she suddenly found her parents.

Esther Wang’s Parents: Where Do They Come From?

Esther Wang has not revealed who her parents are. Esther’s parents’ career lives are likewise unknown at this time.

The Wangs live in Langley at the moment.

Her ethnicity is difficult to identify because her parents’ identities remain unknown.

They are currently in the news after their daughter went missing during a hiking trip

in the Canadian Woods. Wang emerged from the woods at 9:30 p.m. on Thursday.

Wang, 16, fell separated from her group of pals on the East Canyon Trail during a trip on Tuesday.

The teen’s parents, who had traveled from Vancouver after hearing the news,

were the first to see her, according to authorities. Mehat called her “very exhausted.”

Esther Wang
Esther after her travel source: Youtube

Her family has expressed genuine gratitude to the search and rescue crews

and other first responders. They have requested privacy and are quite happy for the outcome.

Bears, cougars, and deer can pose a threat to park visitors who are

unprepared or ignorant of their surroundings. These creatures can also be found in the park.

Ridge Meadows Search and Rescue was in charge of the search,

which ended on Thursday night at 8:30 p.m.

Wang’s survival is excellent news, according to Ridge Meadows Search and Rescue team manager Ryan Smith.

“I mean, she’s obviously a really determined young lady,” he said.

Wang was physically fit, according to Smith, and the weather likely helped her survive.

The search location’s steep terrain and dense woodland “clearly hampered the search efforts.”

The dense forest canopy overhead limits the use of our aircraft and drones once more.

Esther Wang
Esther travel news source: Twitter

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The hiker is missing. Esther Wang’s Health Status

Esther Wang is still living in 2023. She got lost while camping in Golden Ears Park but eventually found her way out 54 hours later.

Wang, a cadet with 746 Lightning Hawk, sustained just insect bites and no other injuries,

according to investigators. BC Ambulance checked her on the spot before releasing her to her family.

Esther Wang was last seen leaving Golden Ears Provincial Park on Thursday night after being stranded for more than 54 hours.
The Langley adolescent describes what happened last week when she

went camping in Golden Ears Park and spent more than two days getting lost in the underbrush.

Esther alleges in an online letter that she began the trip on June 27 with four other members of a youth organization.

“We started from our campsite at North Beach, and we used the

East-West Canyon Connector to access the Golden Ears trail,” Wang says in his letter.

Wang states that the difficulty of the trail caused her to lose track of where the rest of her group was headed.

“I was so focused on the trail in front of me that I didn’t notice when the group took a turn somewhere down the trail at one point.”