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Shaden Gardood

Shaden Gardood, a well-known Sudanese musician, was killed during confrontations in Omdurman between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces.  Shaden Gardood ‘s death occurred one day after the disputing parties signed an agreement to alleviate the suffering of people caught in the crossfire of Sudan’s power struggle within the military leadership.

Her niece confirmed Gardood’s death and expressed her sorrow on Facebook, as a video leaked on social media showing the singer telling her son to close the windows and prepare to die as the bombardment began.

Shaden Gardood’s Biography and Wikipedia

Gardood was a well-known Sudanese singer and composer who was noted for her powerful voice and songs that frequently addressed political and social issues.

Her passionate performances and advocacy for social justice and human rights made her a household name.

Gardood was a writer and a significant voice in Sudanese media in addition to her singing career, utilizing her platforms to speak out against the country’s conflicts and injustices.

Shaden Gardood
Shaden Gardood was one of Sudan’s most prominent singers. (Image Source: BBC)

Her unfortunate death in 2023 was much lamented in Sudan and elsewhere, with many paying respect to her talent and advocacy.

Heraa Hassan Mohammed, Gardood’s niece, confirmed her death on Facebook and described her as a mother figure.

She persuaded him to dress appropriately and promised that they would die in better condition.

Many individuals who know her for her work, as well as her family, have been mourning her death and sending prayers and condolences to her family and loved ones.

Her teen son, Hamoudy, as well as her mother and sister, survive Gardood.

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Shaden Gardood’s The Sudanese Singer’s Age: How Old Was He?

Shaden was born in 1986 in Omdurman, where she spent most of her life working, making her 37 at the time of her death.

Shaden Gardood was killed in Omdurman during a clash between the Sudanese army and the (RSF).

According to a social media video, Garwood was trying to get away from the shelling and urged her teen son to close the windows.

In the footage, she can be heard yelling, “In the name of Allah, go away from the doors and windows… We’re going to die dressed to the nines… We shall die in better form if you wear this.”

Shaden Gardood
Sudan’s warring parties promised to “protect civilians” just one day before she was killed. (Image Source: ETtoday)

Unfortunately, she was killed when she was caught in the crossfire.

The violent and fierce fights raged for hours, according to a resident in Gardood’s neighborhood, with fighter jets circling over the region all night.

The fighting in Khartoum has lasted nearly four weeks, resulting in over 600 civilian deaths, over 4,000 wounded, and severe shortages of food, water, and energy, with around 80% of hospitals closing down.

The crisis began in mid-April when the RSF refused to join Sudan’s army as part of a planned transition to civilian government.