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Who Was Jonathan Crews, the Murderer?

Jonathan Crews

Jonathan Crews was a popular Coppell, Texas, community member who tragically died under strange circumstances. Jonathan Crews was shot while lying in bed in his Coppell apartment. The only person who knows who fired the shot is Brenda Lazaro.

When the 911 dispatcher answers the phone,

Brenda Lazaro is already crying. “Oh, my God!” she exclaims once more. Oh my gosh! “Oh, my God!”

Despite not knowing what the call is about, the dispatcher attempts to calm her down.

“No, no, no!” says the author. The recording begins at 11:30 p.m. on February 2, 2014,

and is a nightmare of yelling and annoying misunderstandings.

For years, the official story was that Crews committed himself, but his family insisted that he was killed.

Jonathan Crews: Who Was He?

Jonathan Crews was from Coppell, Texas, a tiny town in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.

Crews was known as a lovely and compassionate someone who was very committed in their community.

Jonathan was born in California but grew up in Irving. Pam stayed at home with her three children to raise them.

Their father, John, was a lawyer who also served as the pastor of the nondenominational Heartland Church.

Jonathan spent a lot of time in Montana with his grandfather, where he learned to shoot pistols.

He grew into a tall, lanky adolescent. He used to play bass guitar and listen to Ozzy Osbourne and

Green Day—until he learned his mother had similar likes.

He was quiet and laid-back with strangers, with a quick smile.

He used the money from his new job to rent an apartment in Riverchase, his first time living on his own.

Jonathan Crews
Jonathan with his mother source: Twitter

What Happened When Jonathan Crews Was Shot To Death?

In a civil trial on Friday, a Dallas County jury ruled that Brenda Kelly, Jonathan Crews’ ex-girlfriend, was most likely responsible for his death.

Kelly, whose maiden name is Lazaro, called 911 at 11:30 p.m. to claim that Crews, 27,

had shot himself to express his love for her. She has never been charged in connection with his death.

Shaw claimed Kelly was envious of the women Crews associated with.

She was especially upset when she saw Crews’ close friend Emily Ramsey embrace at a dinner two months before his death.

Crews invited Kelly to the dinner so she could meet Ramsey and Jacob Ramsey, Crews’ lifelong friends.

Crews considered ending his relationship with Kelly the night he was shot, according to texts between him and his sister.

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What Were the Charges?

Jonathan Crews
Jonathan with his wife and children source: Twitter

In their legal action, the Crews family alleged that Kelly shot Jonathan

Crews after he tried to stop things with her because she was jealous of his friendships with other women.

Brenda Kelly, who is testifying, shows a copy of texts allowed as evidence by the Crews family.

Kelly supplied several descriptions of the incident, including the location of the

gunshot wound and the area of Crews’ apartment where she was when he was wounded, according to evidence.

Police discovered Crews’ smashed phone nestled between his mattress and bed frame.

When the gun’s filthy magazine was discovered stashed beneath his ties, his family thought it odd.

The case has underlined the need of conducting comprehensive investigations and holding people accountable when mistakes are made.