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Nicolas Pajaro Pearanda Biography And Wikipedia:

Nicolas Pajaro Pearanda

A new development has shown that Nicolás Pájaro Pearanda, a former magistrate of the Council of State. Nicolas Pajaro Pearanda has been entangled in a paternity lawsuit that has lasted over four decades. W Radio’s ‘El Reporte Coronell’ has covered this remarkable subject, giving the specifics of Pájaro Pearanda’s denial of two of his children and the subsequent court battle.

Pearanda, Nicolas Pajaro Wikipedia Specifics

Nicolas Pajaro Pearanda does not have his own Wikipedia article.

Pearanda, a Colombian lawyer, rose to fame as a renowned judge in the country’s legal system.

Pájaro Pearanda, known for his legal knowledge, made substantial contributions to the field of law throughout his career.

Nicolás Pájaro Peñaranda is a former magistrate of the Council of State in Colombia, known for his expertise in administrative litigation. (Source:
Nicolás Pájaro Peñaranda is a former magistrate of the Council of State in Colombia, known for his expertise in administrative litigation. (Source:

Recent findings, however, have exposed a contentious aspect of Pájaro Pearanda’s personal life, casting a shadow over his professional accomplishments.

The W Radio program ‘El Reporte Coronell’ broke the tale of his purported denial of paternity for two children, which had far-reaching effects and legal ramifications.

Biography of Nicolas Pajaro Pearanda: His Edad (Age)

Pájaro Pearanda’s precise edad (age) is unknown, as information on his birth date is lacking in the available sources.

What is known is that Pájaro Pearanda served as an auxiliary magistrate of the Council of State during a pivotal event in Colombian history, the seizure, and retaking of the Palace of Justice in 1985.

This tragedy had a significant impact on Pájaro Pearanda’s life and career path.

His personal life has been overshadowed by a lengthy paternity case, revealing a complex and controversial side to his character. (Source: BBC)
His personal life has been overshadowed by a lengthy paternity case, revealing a complex and controversial side to his character. (Source: BBC)

Pájaro Pearanda’s testimony was vital in determining the truth about what happened during the siege.

However, he was subjected to intimidation and threats to keep him from disclosing the information he had.

These threats began when Pájaro Pearanda was healing in a hospital from his injuries, emphasizing the dangers he faced in his pursuit of justice.

The testimony of Nicolás Pájaro Pearanda was crucial in reconstructing the events at the Palace of Justice, revealing light on the acts of many individuals, including members of the military forces, which resulted in the deaths of innocent people.

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Where Does Nicolas Pajaro Pearanda Come From?

Pájaro Pearanda had an adulterous affair with Martha Serna Arbeláez, which resulted in the birth of twins, José Luis and Juan David Serna Arbeláez.

Juan David, one of the twins, had serious health issues from birth, facing limiting and incurable diseases.

Three years after their birth, Martha Serna Arbeláez filed a court action to establish the children’s paternity and obtain financial support from Pájaro Pearanda.

There is a scarcity of information known regarding Nicolas Pajaro Pearanda’s family.

While his adulterous connection and the subsequent birth of twins, José Luis and Juan David Serna Arbeláez, have been reported, precise details regarding his immediate and extended family have remained unknown.